Once you have installed and activated WordPress Social Invitations, you can follow this guide for configuring the different providers. Please read it carefully, you will need to properly configure the providers in order to make them work. This is the most important part and without these your plugin won’t work properly.
First go to wp-admin and click on WP Social Invitations icon. On the settings tab choose and configure all the providers you want to use.
Before configuring the providers you are presented with some basic settings:
“Redirect to” URL: It will simple redirect users to that page after they send invitations. By default users are not redirected to any place
Buddypress: If you have Buddypress enabled you will have the option to enable/disable the widget on Buddypress activation page. If if enabled, when a user activates his new account the widget is displayed.
Invite Anyone: If you have Invite Anyone Plugin you will have the option to enable/disable the integration with it. If you enable it you will be able to import emails to this great plugin. Only Google, Live, Foursquare and Yahoo works here. You will still be able to use WSI in other pages of your site
[mav_box type=”danger”]Important: Users of the free version of the plugin should use ‘wp-social-invitations’ instead of ‘wordpress-social-invitations’ in the redirect/callback urls used in Twitter, Google and Foursquare[/mav_box]
1. Google – top
To enable authentication with this provider and to register a new Google API Application, carefully follow the steps :
- Go to https://cloud.google.com/console and create a new project in Developers Console .
- Then click on “Enable and manage APIs“
- Search for “Contacts API” and click enable button. Then search “Google+” and click enable button.
- Once enabled both api you can click on the left menu on the “Credentials” item
- On the first window you see, in step one, skip by clicking on client ID link as we need to configure an Oauth API key. Then click on “configure consent screen“
- Once configured the consent screen is time to create the Client ID:
- Choose Web Application
- On Authorized Javascript origins type your website url. E.g: https://timersys.com
- On “Authorized redirect URI” enter your website url followed by /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-invitations/vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/?hauth.done=Google If your site is https://timersys.com , you need to enter https://timersys.com/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-invitations/vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/?hauth.done=Google
- Click on “Create” and copy the Client ID and Client secret into the WordPress Social Invitations Plugin
2. Yahoo – top
To enable authentication with this provider and to register a new Yahoo API Application, carefully follow the steps :
- Go to https://developer.yahoo.com/apps/ and create a new application.
- Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description.
- Choose “Web-based” as application type.
- On “Access Scopes” choose “This app requires access to private user data”.
- On “Callback domain” choose enter your website domain. If your site is https://timersys.com , you need to enter timersys.com
- Check “Contacts” API checkbox with Read access.
- Accept terms and create project
- Optional (but recommended) once the project is created you can verify the domain in https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/manage
- Once created copy the API Key and Secret Key to the WordPress Social Invitations Plugin
3. Linkedin – top
To enable authentication with this provider and to register a new Linkedin API Application, carefully follow the steps :
- Go to https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer and create a new application.
- Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description , website, etc.
- Once submitted you need to configure scopes and callbackurl
- On Default Scope you need to check : w_share, r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress
- On Oauth 2.0 callback url put you website and click “add”
- Once created copy the API Key and Secret Key to the WordPress Social Invitations Plugin
4. Live – top
Live, Msn or Hotmail do not require any other step. Just activate it on the settings page
5. Twitter – top
To enable authentication with this provider and to register a new Twitter API Application, carefully follow the steps :
- Go to https://dev.twitter.com/apps and create a new application.
- Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description , website, etc.
- On “Callback URL” enter your website url followed by /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-invitations/vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/?hauth.done=Twitter. If your site is www.example.com , you need to enter http://www.example.com/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-invitations/vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/?hauth.done=Twitter and that should be shown in the Redirect URI field
- Accept terms and create the application
- Go the the Permissions tab and change your application type to “Read, Write and Access direct messages”
- Copy Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into WordPress Social Invitations
6. Foursquare – top
To enable authentication with this provider and to register a new Foursquare API Application, carefully follow the steps :
- Go to https://foursquare.com/developers/register and create a new application.
- On “Application url” enter your site full address including http or https
- On “Redirect URI” enter your website url followed by /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-invitations/vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/?hauth.done=Foursquare. If your site is www.example.com , you need to enter http://www.example.com/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-invitations/vendor/hybridauth/hybridauth/hybridauth/?hauth.done=Foursquare and that should be shown in theRedirect URI field
- Save the changes
- Copy Client ID and Client Secret into WordPress Social Invitations
7. Emails – top
You don’t need any configuration, just enable this options on your settings page and your users will be able to enter emails manually to send invitations.
8. Facebook – top
To get AppId you need to create a new app and make it live, just go to https://developers.facebook.com/and click on create new app.
On Settings tab enter you domain in App Domains field and add a new Website Platform add the bottom where you you need to enter your full site url including http or https.
The App ID on this page is the one you need to enter in your plugin settings page.
To make the app live you need to enter a valid contact email. Then go to the App Review page and make it live. No further scopes are needed.