= 2.5.2 = March 11
* Fixed issue with fb no closing, or being blocked
* Added max invitations limit for logged users
* Updated error template
* Added new functions to api wsi_user_already_invited wsi_get_total_invites
* Minor bugfixes
= 2.5.1 =
* Plugin recoded from scracth to improve usability and performance
* Added Debug Logs right in the debug tab
* Added hybridauth debug logs
* Improved debug method for emails and providers
* Improved friend selector popup filtering performance when user have lot of friends
* Added lazy load for avatars in friends selector
* Check already invited users – Users invited are now saved to avoid spaming them with invitations (can be removed)
* Changed html and css in templates and improved widgets/shortcodes
* Added new stats like top users sending invitations and top accepted invitations
* New widget to display user rankings with more invitations sent/accepted
* Updated test page
* Added shortcodes support in messages/emails
* Added multisite support
= 2.5.0 =
* Used for beta testing
= 2.4.2 – 8 Dec, 2014 =
* Moved plugin update checks to admin area for bettern performance
* Fixed bug with db fields
* Logout from adapter on error
= 2.4.1 – 1 Dec, 2014 =
* Fixed bug with new buddypress registration and facebook flow
= 2.4 – 23 Oct, 2014 =
* Added %%CUSTOMURL%% field
* Improved session handling for better compability
* Fixed bug with facebook registration url
* Added Site url to facebook sharing option
= 2.3.4 – 23 Sept, 2014 =
* Fixed Facebook workflow
* Fixed bug with facebook and Mycred/Cubepoints
* Fixed Oauth redeclare bug
* Added Cubepoints multiple points support
= 2.3.3 – Jul 26, 2014 =
* Changed CSS of widget for better compatibility
* Added fallback for facebook when using a mobile device
= 2.3.2 – Jul 10, 2014 =
* Improved error page
* Updated hybrid auth
* Updated Google providers for new api
* Updated Facebook send dialog that was failing when other fb plugins were initializated earlier
* Fixed fb og:tags
* Update edd plugin updater
= 2.3.1 – May 22, 2014 =
* Fixed bug that was preventing to Facebook work with registration url
* Added the ability to change fb open graph tags in the registration page
* Emails and popups use site charset
= 2.3 – May 17, 2014 =
* Changed facebook to SEND dialog. Thanks API 2.0 :\
* Removed content filters
* Css bugfixes in front and backend
* Updated language files
= 2.2 – March 4, 2014 =
* Improved Facebook invitations script
* Added manual cron functions to override WordPress cron system
* Changed style and icons with fonts for better customization
* Added the ability to add emails manually(mail provider)
* Improved debug tab
* Templates updated
* Updated language files
= 2.1.3 – February 3, 2013 =
* Changed how cubepoints/My cred gives points in invitations
* Fixed bug in test.php file
* Added new filters to let users change messages programatically
* Fixed bug with popup in Internet Explorer
* Css fixes for Internet Explorer
* Updated spanish translation
= 2.1.2 – December 28, 2013 =
* Fixed bug in error template
* Fixed bug in cubepoints module
* Remove extra scripts and html from other plugins in popup
= 2.1.1 – November 30, 2013 =
* Added new placeholder %%CURENTURL%%
* Added fallback for Twitter DM fail – Read https://timersys.com/twitter-playing-us/
* Fixed bug with facebook cypto error that was preventing the post to wall – Read https://timersys.com/known-openssl-bug-affecting-facebook-chat-new-centos/
* Added an extra check for cron in case is not setted up properly
* Moved goo.gl function to Queue Class so it can be used globally now
* Fixed sidebar broken link
* Added new error message in error template
= 2.1 – November 30, 2013 =
* Fixed bug with js that was preventing popup to close and show thanks message in sidebar or widgets
* Fixed bug to remove extra html added by other plugins in the popup
* Fixed bug with editor height
* Better buddypress integration . \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”Send Social Invites\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\” screen and menu options added
= 2.0 – November 18, 2013 =
* Content locker. Now you can protect your posts and show content to only users that send invitations
* MyCreed Integration. Give points for invitations sent / accepted
* Cubepoints Integration. Give points for invitations sent / accepted ( I recommend MyCreed project, this is abandoned and I just added for backward compatibility)
* Automatic Updates. Now you will be able to update your plugin the same way you do with other plugins
* Small bugfixes and code improvement
* Added new action hooks for developers
* Changelog now includes date 🙂
= =
* Changed Linkedin default message as it only support 200 characters
* Fixed small bug with redirect url field
= =
* Fixed encoding problems
= =
* Fixed bug with facebook that was preventing the queue to continue when error
* Fixed bug with twitter that was preventing the queue to continue when error
* Fixed bug with Linkeding that was preventing the queue to continue when error
* Fixed bug with scopes on facebook
= =
* Fixed bug with queue system on server with different time than WP
= 1.4 =
* Complete redesign of popup email collector
* New template system for emails and visual aspects that let users change everything
* Queue system to handle invitations and API limits using wp-cron
* Gmail and SMTP Support
* New default messages separate for each providers
* Placeholders to use in messages
* HTML Email Templates
* Improved facebook chat system with fallback to wall post
* Goo.gl for facebook and twitter to improve rates
* New Online documentation
* Improved PHP functions
* CSS bugfixes
= =
* Fixed js with Invite Anyone plugin in widget
* Updated language files
* Added debug section & common problems to Docs
= =
* Fixed enquein problem with stylesheet and js
* Added check to see if mb_string PHP function is supported
* Added option to enable dev mode to debug errors
= 1.3.4 =
* Added DEBUG tab to help me out with support tickets and to check facebook chat status
* Updated Docs
* Fixed bug that was preventing widget to display inside Invite Anyone sidebar widget
* Removed all statics functions from Plugin
= 1.3.3 =
* Fixed bug when message edition was disabled
* Added new tab to check stats on the settings page
* Changed the way emails were sent with Bcc
= 1.3.2 =
* Added a sidebar widget
* Added background for logging invitations for future stats
* Css Fixes
* Improved coding batches
= 1.3 =
* Added foursquare
* Fixed documentation
* Minor fixes
= 1.2 =
* Fixed with Live provider
* Added Twitter
* Added feature to redirect users after they send invitations
* Improved documentation
= 1.1 =
* Added facebook
* Added ordering feature for widget providers
* Added custom CSS
* Minor fixes
= 1.0 =
* Plugin released, woohoo!