The basics of the Geotargeting plugin is to surround your content with shortcodes.
For example:
[[geot country=”Argentina”] Messi is the best! [/geot]] [[geot country=”Portugal”] Cristiano Ronaldo is the best! [/geot]]If the user above is from Argentina he will read that “Messi is the best”, while if he is from Portugal we will see “Ronaldo is the best”. Is the user is not from Argentina or Portugal he won’t see any text.
To easily add shortcodes a good practice is to create regions first, and then use regions instead of countries. You can create Regions in the settings page of the plugin.
You can add shortcodes manually, but it’s easier using the visual editor button. Just press the “world icon” and choose the desired options to generate the shortcode.
To view full shortcodes options check this page.
Testing out the plugin
Once you have your shortcodes or functions in place it’s time to test / debug your site. Please refer to debugging page in order to know how to do that.