Mandatory Settings
First once you have installed and activated WordPress Geotargeting Pro you need to navigate to Geotargeting -> Settings to enter your license key. The license key could be obtained in your account page.
Second you need to download the database files by clicking “Im ready to update” button. The system will download Maxmind database files and also will populate your database with all cities, countries and states. ( Files are stored in wp-content/uploads/geot_plugin folder )
Optional Settings
Debug mode: Enable to be able to test different shortcodes and functions easily. More info on debugging page
Ajax mode: Enable if you use page cache plugins. More info on Ajax mode page
Maxmind premium service: If you purchased GeoIP2 City precision service from MaxMind, just paste your user ID and license key in the settings page of the plugin and choose the proper service (Insights, country or city).
Also on this page you will be able to create regions ( groups of countries or group of cities) to easily geo target content in your site.
To do that just type region name. Eg: “Europe” and then start typing country names into the box next to it.
Once you have the license key and the regions created you can move to the quick usage guide.
If by any reason you can’t create city regions read this first.