If you run a Woocommerce shop and you use WPML not only to translate products but also to have different currencies for you users this trick may be for you. Let's say for example that your shop currency is EUR but you also sell products for Switzerland where their currency is CHF. So if you have a user than comes from Switzerland you want to show them their default currency. You can accomplish that easily using a PHP filter and the Geotargeting Pro plugin by adding the following … [Read more...]
How to remove product-category slug in WooCommerce?
From time to time I share WooCommerce tips like for example How to do facebook login on WooCommerce post published a while ago. Today I'm sharing a tiny code I'm using for a SEO experiment I'm conducting that involves removing the product category slug from the url. Basically I needed in order to rank for Sillas de oficina ( Office chairs ) to convert this: https://sillasde.com/product-category/oficina/ into: https://sillasde.com/oficina/ Of course the first thing I did as always that I … [Read more...]
How to customize WordPress Email Templates plugin ?
Today I will explain how to customize WordPress HTML Email Templates in case you are one of the user of Email Templates plugin. If you are yet not using HTML email in WordPress, what are you waiting for? Plain text emails are primitive! I got many requests in the forums asking how to make small changes in the template or css without breaking the changes on plugins updates so today I will explain how to use the built in functions of the plugin to create your own templates. We are going to … [Read more...]
How to display a popup after submitting CF7 form ?
If you are one of the millions of users that uses Contact Form 7 everyday maybe at some point you wondered on how to show a popup right after the form is submitted. In order to do that you simply need to basic things: Contact Form 7 Plugin WordPress Popup Plugin Creating the popup Once we have both plugins installed we need to create our popup. Let's say for example we want to show a Popup to let users download some stuff after filling our contact form, so we create the popup and … [Read more...]
How to completely disable spam filter on Gravity Form
We use to collect our support tickets and Akismet to protect our site from spam in comments and the two work excellent most of the time with very very little false positives. The problem is that in our business a false positive means a missed email which translates into an angry customer. I recently discovered a few emails from some clients in the spam folder of GF so the first thing I thought it was about the wonderful honeypot protection that GF uses and that many times saved me and my … [Read more...]
Importing WordPress attachments into Media Library
If you are reading this, you probably know that WordPress doesn't handle very well exporting media attachments unless you choose to export "All the content" with the WordPress Export tool. Lot of users don't need to import all the content and just choose to import Posts using the xml importer / exporter tool in WordPress and there's where the problems starts. A year ago I built a plugin that let users export featured images and then import them using WordPress importer tool because I … [Read more...]
How to create bootstrap’s style alert boxes in your theme
Im working on a new design for http://wpfavs.com , the multi plugin installer tool, and I needed to add alert boxes in the theme to display user interaction messages. I always liked the bootstrap alert boxes so I decided to create a simple Class that will let me add notifications boxes in a very easy way. This very basic PHP class can be used on any theme or plugin by simple adding some actions hooks ( you alert locations). Let me share with you how all these works. … [Read more...]
How to remove a link from Yoast Breadcrumbs
To remove a link from Yoast breadcrumbs you need to filter the single link hook. For example if your breadcrumbs are Home / Companies / Real State / My Company name and you want to remove the "Companies" you could do the following: add_filter('wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link' ,'timersys_remove_companies', 10 ,2); function timersys_remove_companies($link_output, $link ){ if( $link['text'] == 'Companies' ) { $link_output = ''; } return … [Read more...]
How to emulate mobile devices for easy development
The other day I found a very nice post on design modo explaining a very cool feature of Google Chrome unknown to me until now. Im talking about the Google Chrome device emulator available since Chrome v32. Check the following instructions to see how easy it's to use it. To use it simple open dev Tools as usual by pressing Cmd + Opt + I on your Mac or F12 on Windows. The open the drawer And then go to the emulation tab and choose the device you want to emulate Pretty … [Read more...]
Local development with MAMP and SquidMan
Nowadays to develope a website you always need to test it on different devices like Iphones, Ipads,etc. If you work locally with MAMP like I do, you will need to access your sites locally instead of making them live to be able to test them with your phone. In order to do that, you can follow this great tutorial by Benjamin Rojas, that will explain very easily how to do it. Basically , you need to install Squidman and configure it on your local server machine. Then you set up your … [Read more...]